Refund Policy
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you're not fully satisfied, you have a full 60 days from the day you receive your order to experience the product and decide if it meets your expectations.
If, after trying the product, you decide it's not the right fit for you, here’s everything you need to know: We offer a 60-day return window for all online purchases, allowing you time to evaluate the product thoroughly. If you choose to return the product, you can receive a full refund (excluding any shipping costs) as long as the return is within the allowed 60-day period.
To initiate a return, simply send back all the items you received in the original order to our warehouse. Please be aware that return shipping costs will be your responsibility, and we do not cover those fees. Even if you send your return on the 59th day, we will still honor your return as long as it is received a few days later.
Once we receive the returned items, we will begin processing your refund. You’ll be notified via email once your refund has been processed. This is usually done quickly, so you won’t be left waiting for long.
If you have any questions or require assistance at any point during this process, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact us via email, and we will guide you through everything you need to know.
Important Return Information
When returning an item, please ensure it is in good condition. This means the product should not be damaged or broken. Additionally, any accessories that were included with your purchase must also be returned with the product.
Please note, there are certain situations in which partial refunds may be issued:
Books, CDs, DVDs, software, or other media that have obvious signs of use or have been opened.
Any items that are returned in a condition that is not the same as when they were received, including those that are damaged or missing parts (unless due to our error).
Products that are returned more than 60 days after the original delivery date will not be accepted.
After we receive and inspect your return, we will notify you by email to confirm that we’ve received the product. We’ll also let you know if your refund has been approved or if there was an issue with the return. If approved, your refund will be processed promptly and credited to the original method of payment.
If you’ve recently changed your payment method or if your credit card has expired, don’t worry! The refund will still be processed, and the funds will be deposited into your new account automatically.
Exchanges and Reshipments
If the item you received is defective or damaged, we can help you with an exchange. Please reach out to us by email if you need to exchange the product, and we’ll provide detailed instructions on how to return the item for an exchange. Please note that exchanges can only be processed within 60 days of the original delivery date.
How to Get Your Refund
Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to ensure the return process is smooth:
Check to make sure you're still within the 60-day return window. You can find this date on the package or in your order confirmation email.
Return all the items you received to our warehouse.
Once your return is received and inspected, we’ll process your refund and send you an email notification to confirm the refund has been completed.
We strive to make your return experience as hassle-free as possible, so you can shop with confidence.